
Reunion as they called it.

It happened two weeks ago. My schoolmates decided to gather at the shore of our city's only lake to meet each other after an entire year when we all completed our XII class. Except me and two of my FRIENDS, none of them were on time. Though we didn't complained about it.
Slowly the gathering of 5 peoples started to increase into numbers and extended to 12 people! A number none of us expected. In this group of 12 people I wasn't included. I was physically present there, not even my eyes were there, they tumbled to the most exciting element of the globe - "Water". It's not that I'm a nature lover but that get-together was the reason. A gathering where everyone had their partners and I lost my partners to their old IIT-mates. I felt homeless! It was a terrible nightmare for a social being like me.
Everyone one of them was busy in discussing the greatness of their dhaasu colleges and their entire 1 year of college experience. And then there was me, who was standing outside that group facing towards that group and wondering where should I get some space to enter into their conversations. But my misfortune is ridiculously bad and I ended up a lone ranger just looking at those familiar faces and rejecting myself as a part of them.
I ponder why did I just remained their silent and listening to their talks with complete black out in my mind. Instead I would of witnessed the hopping fishes in the lake, dive left to right to grab the food threw towards them, the melodious sound of the waves in the lake, the strength of the air that was blowing at that shore, the beauty of that marvellous wonder of the Almighty - the Nature. I ignored all these marvels and tried to act like a part of them.
How stupid I was? And after that they asked me how was the so called "REUNION" .

Happy Dosti!


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