Prostitution - A New Outlook

Yester night I was watching Begum Jaan. For those who haven't watched I must insist you should watch it. Its worth investing your two and a half hour of the day. The movie revolves round a family of girls called Kotha(in Hindi). Strange! How I called it a family, but that's the mere truth each one of us is deprived of.
Like all other professions its also a profession which involves sexual activity for money, goods, or services. But how many of us mean that? Hardly 0.2% of the entire population consider it as a profession. And the remaining just call it a brutally bad habit. And its not their mistake, as we Indians are in the habit of judging people on the basis of their jobs or work they do. What is your first thought when you see a person in formal dress working on his computer? Or what comes to your mind when you see someone working on files in a personal room? Dedicated! Hard worker! Successful! Yes! That's what you think but you ever questioned why do you think like that only? Probably not because you are a part of a society where you are fed with the stereotype thoughts from the very beginning of your life. And its that society which make you think Prostitution as a offense. Its not meant for your society. Its not good for you. In the same way the people enrolled in this profession is looked.
Someone who work in this business is known as a Prostitute. But its not a ordinary designation in our society, its an abusing word in our world.
It doesn't mean that these people who work in this industry are tend to be molested and harassed just because they are prostitutes. In reality, they are too humans and are meant to be respected equally to those other MNC or Govt. Department officers. They too live a normal life and are a part of the world and have equal rights similar to those which I, you and everyone else has. They have fathers, brothers, sisters, families, friends who had abandoned them for one or the other reason. They have circumstances in their life that made them to take that profession. They too have wishes and interest in having sexual activities. But it not at all allow us to abuse them, make them feel inferior. There is a line in the film Begum Jaan "Rand ghar ki shaan nahi hoti par beti zaroor hoti hai."
In my point of view they the most open minded and joyful people in the world. They have an extraordinary approach of the world and their own rules which govern their living their lives. They do fall in love, they too have feelings and emotions which ironically no one notice because they are harlots. They are a disgrace for the society? No! Never! They are an another part of the society like all of us with courage to live their life on their basis and choices unlike us who follow the crowd like a sheep again and again and then hope to be happy and completed. Strange!
Happy Badlaw !


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